Bale management is the first step of spinning. 40% of yarn quality comes from bale management. Good bale management gives good results in yarn manufacturing. Good mixing depends on good bale management.
Flow chart of Bale management
Raw cotton => Bale-Moisture % test => Collect sample (Every bale) => Sample testing => Classify bale => Bale law down => Mixing

*Ideal Moisture percentage for cotton fiber 7.5% to 8.0%.
*There three testing of bale samples. HVI, AFIS and trash content
Some properties to determine of cotton bale:
- Length
- Strength
- Fineness
- Maturity
- Uniformity
- Rd (Reflectance/Brightness/Whiteness) + b (Yellowness)
- Trash content
*According to test result same properties of bale should lay down for mixing.
Flow Chart of Bale Management
Really , It is very informative . It will help anybody . Thank you very much .