Flow Chart of Textile A to Z or Sequence of Textile A to Z
The textile manufacturing industry is a large sector dealing with many processes. Textile manufacturing is not a new idea. If we look back on the history of textile manufacturing we can get the idea that people using it according to their needs and the way of manufacturing is changing day by day. Textile manufacturing mainly deals with conversion of fiber into yarn, then yarn into fabric, and then finally fabric into textiles.
It’s very difficult to create a flowchart for textile manufacturing. Here I am presenting the textile manufacturing flow chart shortly. This process includes getting textile raw materials, fiber making, yarn manufacturing, fabric manufacturing, wet processing, garments manufacturing or clothing, fashion design, textile calculation, and finally marketing.

Several types of calculations are required to be calculated for every stage of this process. Basic cost includes process costing, production, cloth consumption, all types of direct and indirect costing. After calculating the cost of every department then profit can be identified which is one of the main concerns of the manufacturers.