Social Compliance Audit
Social compliance deals with a company’s employee health and safety others legal right from a social perspective. To makes a compliant factory, need to follow local labor law and international social compliance requirements. Social compliance Audit related to child labor, forced labor, health and safety, Abuse and Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices, Working Hours, Remuneration, Freedom of association, Management systems, etc. Social compliance is a vital part of the apparel industry because of the social compliance Audit impact on a company’s reputation and business. Here in this article, we will share all the compliance checklist for the
Compliance Checklist for Garments Industry
Compliance Check List
There are many criteria where need a check list and follow in routine wise in apparel industry, here I am giving these checklists and checking criteria for your understanding.
Fire Extinguisher Checklist
- Type of Extinguisher
- Refilling Date
- Due Date
- Location
- Access in maintained.
- Locking Pin in place.
- Charge indicator in green area.
- Pressure Hose in good condition.
- Inspection tag of the existing.
- Expired date should be one Month.
Daily First Aid Box Check List
- Adhesive (Bandage)
- Burn Cream
- Viodin (Cream)
- Viodin (Liquid)
- Provicep
- Hexisol
- Anticeptic wipes (Savlon Cream)
- Anticeptic wipes (Savlon)
- Nebanol Powder
- Roller Bandage- 2″
- Roller Bandage- 4″
- Surgical Scissors
- Nix
- Gauze Pcs.
- cotton
- Signature of Nurse
Toilet Check List
- Soap
- Bucket
- Sandal
- Tap
- Basin
- Towel
- Adjust Fan
- Overall Cleanliness of Toilet
- Cleaner Sign
Daily Checklist of Drinking Water Filter
- If filter clean
- Water level
- Water color
- If water clean
- Water tap
- Supply of water
- Water pipe switch
- Water temperature
Fire Alarm & Testing Report
- Condition
- Action Taken
Fire Extinguisher Checklist
- Nozzle
- Number Marking
- Safety pin
- Meter
- Ziczack Marking
- Expire Date
- Have the Picture of responsible person
- Have the inspection card
- Have the rules to handling
- Signature of Inspector
Fire Equipment Box Checklist
- Fire Helmet
- Gum Boot
- Hand Gloves
- Fire Bitter
- Fire hook
- Hammer
- Streacher
- Lock Cutter
- Respiratory Musk
- Fire Blanket
- Manila Roof
- Gas Mask
- Torch Light
- Fire Heat Proof Dress
Boiler Check List
- Boiler Controling Area
- Water Level ok/Not ok
- Pressure Meter ok/Not
- Safty Valve ok/Not
- Gas Header ok/Not
Electrical Equipment Checklist
Substation Room
- LT Switchgear
- HT Switchgear
- PFI Panel
- Housekeeping
- Emergency fire pump switch
Production Floor
- All Switchboard panels
- All emergency switch
- All circuit breakers
- All electrical cords, plugs
- Combustibles distance
Compressor Room
- Pressure relief valve
- Guarding of belts
- Blowdown valve
- Pressure gauge
- Filters
- Lubrication
Generator Room
- Cleanliness
- Circuit breakers
- Lubrication
- Temperature
- Pressure Gauge
- Filters
Schedule Check for Electrical MDB/BD
- Name Plate, Key & Rubber Mat Check
- All side clean, Indicating Lamp & Cooling Check
- Cable Check & Nut-bolt loose Connection Check
- Amp. & Volt Meter Check
- Cable/Bar Temp & Load balance Check
- Earth Line Cable Check
- Keep free space in front of DB
- Ckt braker/fuse/selector switch Check
- Inside clean
Schedule Check for Exhaust Fan
- Exhaust Blower Clean
- Duct Line Clean
- Heat Exchanger Side Net Clean
- M/C Inside Clean
- M/C All Side Clean
Schedule Check for Fire Pump
- Name Plate Check.
- All side clean
- Battery Water Level Check
- Battery terminal Loose Connection Check
- Battery Auto Charger Check
- Hose Pipe/Nozzle Joint Coupling Check.
- Diesel Tank & Diesel Level Check.
- Lube Oil Level Check.
- Delivery Valve Check.
- Suction Pipe Non Return Valve Check.
Inspection, Test & Maintenance Requirements for Standpipe and Hose Systems

Generator Maintenance Checklist (monthly) NFPA 110
- Fuel
- Main supply tank level
- Day tank level
- Lubrication system
- Oil level
- Lube oil heater
- Cooling System
- Level
- Adequate cooling water to heat exchanger
- Adequate fresh air through radiator
- Fan and alternator belt
- Exhaust System
- Leakage
- Drain condensate trap
- Batteary System
- Electrolyte level
- Remove corrosion, case exterior clean and dry
- specific gravity or state of charge
- charger and charge rate
- Electrical System
- General inspection
- Prime Mover
- General inspection
- Governor oil level and linkage
- Generator
- Brush length, appearance, free to move in holder
- Unusual condition Vibration leakage noise and temptation
- Service room or housing keeping
Lighting Protection System In-depth Visual Inspection Checklist
- Any loose connection at junction points
- Corrosion in any part
- Down Conductor & earth terminal connection is proper (intact)
- Any mechanical damage of system component
- Conductor are connected properly with surface
- Any damage due to surge
- All clamps are tightened
- Additions or change of the structure (protected structure)
- Any others abnormalities
- Earth resistance test perform
- Continuity (arrester to mesh, mesh to down conductor, down conductor to earth conductor) test perform
Garments factory also check compliance of housekeeping, factory load capacity, sharp tools keeping and register, floor temperature, humidity, quarterly pest control by third party.
Compliance Audit CAP
After a Compliance Audit, the factory has to submit a corrective action plan (CAP) or preventive action plan. Every month follow up CAP improvement with pictorial and written evidence, a report has to make for the buyer.
Very good Supply & representation
Very Helpful
this is very helpful to me as i am currently as a legal staff in wire industry ..!!
very good knowledge provided about garments.
thank you so much for these information about clothing. i think i can improve my Garments.
Very Effective
The audit report is perfect and it is very helpful for the industrious. I ready our blog and find A to Z idea about garments industries audit. Thank you
Social compliance deals with a company’s employee health and safety another legal right from a social perspective. To makes a compliant factory,
It is very necessary and helpful thanks.
This list is very helpful for Compliance Audit But HR related Checklist not available here. Thanks