Garments Cost of Making (CM) One of the highest productive industries is a garment manufacturing industry where different types of products are manufactured. It is required to Calculate Garments Cost Continue Reading
Finishing Quality Control SOP of Apparel Industry
Finishing is the last step of the apparel industry. Quality Control is necessary for every stage of garments production for the purpose of making a quality product, finishing the garments, Continue Reading
Needle and Sharp Tools Control Procedure in Apparel
Needle, Broken Needle, and Sharp Tools Control Procedure in Apparel Industry applies to all types of Machine needles, Hand Sewing needles, Label Applicator Gun needles, staples, and sharps (defined as Continue Reading
Metal Detection Procedure in Apparel
Metal Detection is the final precautionary measure used to get needle/metal-free final product. It is not a replacement for well-maintained needle control procedures. Metal Detection Procedure in Apparel could be Continue Reading
KPI Factors of Garments
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. This is the era of competition and we have to survive with a global challenge in the apparel industry. If you carefully work with Continue Reading
Inventory control in Apparel and Textile Warehouse
Inventory control is a crucial part of every industry. Inventory control of Apparel, textile, and fashion industry must keep inventory in their warehouse/store. Inventory control is called stock management which Continue Reading
Sewing Quality Control SOP
Sewing Quality Control SOP Sewing is the key process of the apparel industry. Sewing produces full garments. The cutting section just cut garments as per marker. The finishing section mainly Continue Reading
Cutting Section SOP in Garments
Cutting Section Standard Operating Procedure in Garments Industry Cutting Section Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is developed to provide guidelines for the workers so that they have proper knowledge of working. Continue Reading
Quality Control in Garment Manufacturing
Quality is of prime significance in any part of the business. Clients request and expect an incentive for cash. Quality is characterized by the level of acknowledgment of a decent Continue Reading