What is enzymatic desizing and what is the recommendation for efficient enzyme desizing
Desizing is the process of removing the size material from the warp yarns after the textile fabric is woven.
Enzymatic desizing is a traditional desizing procedure of degrading starch size on cotton fabrics using enzymes. Enzymes are multipart organic, soluble bio-catalysts, created by living organisms that catalyze chemical effect in a biological process. Enzymes are quite specific in their act on a particular material. A small amount of enzyme is able to decompose a large quantity of the material.
Recommendation for Efficient Enzyme Desizing
(Ref: BTRA – Bombay Textile Research Association)
- Before enzyme de sizing cloth should be wetted with warm water.
- Enzyme activity should be tested before use.
- pH should be controlled.
- Avoid copper made machines.
- Enzyme treated cloth keep in a rider room.
- Treated cloth wash with hot water.
- Should be careful that enzyme above 70 degrees the centigrade temperature will be inactivated or damage.

How Enzyme activity Depends on Concentrate pH and Temperature
- The activity of enzyme increases with the increase of temp but up to certain limit then above that limitation activity decrease.
- Enzyme stability decrease with the increase in temperature.
- Enzyme activity decrease with longer time.
- Changing of pH rapidly changes enzyme activity and stability.
- If the concentration of enzyme increases then activity decrease.
Written by
Engineer Sheikh Nurja
B.Sc engineer of textile
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