Future Challenges of Apparel Industry The demand for garments is increasing day by day with the increase in world population. Bangladesh, India, China, Vietnam are contributing a huge amount to Continue Reading
Effluent Treatment in Textile Industry
Effluent Treatment in Textile Industry (ETP) As human beings, we must wear clothing to hide our bodies, especially the private parts of our bodies. There are no other alternatives to Continue Reading
Implementation of 5S in Apparel Industry
5S comes from 5 Japanese words and each of them starts with S. These are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke, if we translate these 5 Japanese words into English then we get Sort, Set Continue Reading
Garments Washing
Garments Washing Normally we use the word ‘washing’ to mean cleaning. But in the case of garments, washing is not limited to this function. For garments, washing is not only Continue Reading
Financing for Textile and Garments
Financing for Textile and Garments A good financing decision works as a driving force for an organization to build a strong financial position. Financing decision varies from industry to industry, Continue Reading
Types of Garments Defects
Types of Garments Defects You may find several types of garments defects in the production process. First of all, let have some idea of what basically defect is? Any variation Continue Reading
Purchase Order Sheet of Garments Manufacturing
Purchase Order Sheet of Garments Manufacturing The purchase Order sheet is simply known as the PO sheet. The purchase order sheet of garments manufacturing (PO sheet) is a commonly used Continue Reading
Pre Production Meeting in Apparel Industry
Pre Production Meeting in Apparel Industry A pre-production meeting is known as PP meeting in the Garments or Apparel industry. In a pre-production meeting discussion of every important issue related Continue Reading
What is Woven Fabric Features of Woven Fabric
What is woven Fabric Features of Woven Fabric Many people looking for the answer to what is woven fabric features of woven fabric, for this reason, I tried to explain Continue Reading