Calculation of Yarn English Count
English Count
English count indicates how many hanks of 840 yards length weigh one pound. That means if count 40 Ne Than it means 40 hanks(bundle) of 840 yards will give 1 pound weight.
(Note: So, for gaining 1 pound weight, 840 yards long how many yarn bundle we will in need, this require a number of bundles is the English count of this yarn.)

- Why calculation: Most of us are fear from count calculation. But we should have a common sense of calculation to be good textile personnel.
Let’s try to solve the following problem of English count
On one cone there are 9800 m yarns which weigh 490 gm. What is the English count of this yarn?
We know,
For Ne(English count),

So, Here count 12 Ne means, 12 bundles of yarn with 840 yards length will be required to get 1 pound weight.
So, wish it was helpful for you to understand English count properly. If you like it doesn’t forget to put down your valuable comments and share on facebook
Written By
Engineer Sheikh Nurja
B.Sc engineer of textile
Merchandiser at buying house
Facebook: Sheikh Nurja
Skypee: Merchandiser.nurja
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o e spinning
A yarn Having Count 26Ne of 2400Ibs.Find out the tex cont of this yarn.