
Functions of Financial Manager

Finance works as the lifeblood for an organization, without finance, it is not possible to run any business. Every business organization requires managing and ensuring the effective use of funds Continue Reading

Agency Cost

What is Agency Cost and who bears them? An agency cost is a cost of reducing agency conflict among the owner/ principal (stockholders) and managers (agent). We can also say Continue Reading

Agency Conflict

What is Agency Conflict? Agency conflict is a common problem we face in an organization, this problem arises because of the difference in the interest of management, owner, and other Continue Reading

What is a Bond

Questions may arise in your mind that what is a bond. A bond is a financial instrument used by the government or corporations to collect money from the market. It Continue Reading

Basic Types of Risk

We know that the future is uncertain, and because of uncertainty; the involvement of risk can be traced to every part of life. When we talk about any investment we Continue Reading

Perfect Capital Market

What is meant by a perfect capital market? If a capital market has the following characteristics then it would be considered as a perfect capital market. In perfect capital market Continue Reading

Asymmetric Information

In financial market what is meant by asymmetric information? When a manager knows more about his or her firm’s future than do the analysts and investors who follow the company Continue Reading

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