HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester: Revolutionizing Fabric Strength Testing

In textile and material testing, precision and reliability are crucial. The HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester, created by ChiuVention, meets these needs with its smart design and advanced features. This article delves into the capabilities and benefits of the HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester and its impact on fabric strength testing.

HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester


ChiuVention’s HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester uses hydraulic bursting to measure the burst strength and expansion of various materials. These include knitted, woven, and non-woven fabrics, laminated fabrics, elastic woven fabrics, and paper. By applying stress in multiple directions, it accurately assesses the material’s burst strength, providing vital data for quality control and research.

Key Features

Smart Instrument

The HydroBurst Tester connects to a smartphone for remote control and monitoring. This allows users to receive real-time test results, print them, and share the status with a single click. The convenience of monitoring remotely and receiving equipment warnings enhances efficiency.

Smooth Operation

Engineered for smooth and precise operation, the HydroBurst Tester features a hydraulic system with full servo control and a precise screw drive. This ensures quiet and consistent performance, making it a top choice for burst strength testing.

High-Precision Testing

Accuracy is a highlight of the HydroBurst Tester. It has a high-precision pressure sensor accurate to 0.2%, resulting in minimal error. This ensures reliable and repeatable test results, crucial for quality assurance and product development.

Advanced Features

Longer Sensor Life

The HydroBurst Tester uses Panasonic laser displacement sensors without rods. This design makes it easy to replace testing cups and protects the sensors from damage, extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

Automatic Testing

Automation is a key feature. During tests, the protective cover descends to press the cup, and after the test, it lifts automatically. This process eliminates manual steps, improving efficiency and reducing human error.

Smart Identification System

The tester can identify different testing cups automatically and adjust settings accordingly. This feature speeds up the process and ensures accurate results. The steel shell and aluminum internal structure also make the device sturdy and lightweight.


The HydroBurst Tester offers various testing modes and capabilities:

  • Model No.: CV.142.01 CV142 HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester
  • Testing Modes: Fixed-speed, fixed-pressure, fixed-expansion, and fixed-time bursting
  • Measurement Range:
    • 0-10 MPa ±1% (with test cup ≤ 10cm²)
    • 0-3 MPa ±1% (with test cup = 50cm²)
    • 0-1 MPa ±1% (with test cup = 100cm²)
  • Testing Rate: 50-500 ml/min
  • Hydraulic Medium: 7.HY.004 glycerin 500ml/1 pc
  • Test Cup Modes and Dimensions: Various standard and optional cups and fixture bases
  • Operating Environment: Temperature: 20°C ±5°C, Humidity: 50%~70%
  • Installation Conditions: Air supply pressure of 5~8 bar
  • Power: 220V 5A / 110V 10A 50/60Hz
  • Weight: 130kg
  • Dimensions: 830500660mm (LWH)

Testing Principles and Procedures

Test Principle

The HydroBurst Tester works on hydraulic bursting. The specimen is clamped on a diaphragm, and liquid pressure is applied to expand it until it bursts. This measures burst strength and expansion.


Samples should be free from folds and creases and represent the fabric accurately. Generally, the test is conducted using the clamping system without cutting the sample.

Test Procedure

  1. Preparation: Place the specimen on the diaphragm flat and tension-free. Secure it with the clamping ring to avoid slippage.
  2. Zero Adjustment: Set the recording device to zero.
  3. Testing: Apply pressure until the specimen bursts.
  4. Recording: Reset the instrument after the burst and record the results.
  5. Repeat: Test at least five different samples for accuracy.

Diaphragm Pressure Determination

Expand the diaphragm until it reaches the average bursting height or volume under test conditions for accurate pressure measurement.

Benefits of Using the HydroBurst Tester

The HydroBurst Tester offers numerous benefits:

Efficiency: Automated testing reduces manual steps, speeding up the process and improving efficiency.

Accuracy: High-precision sensors ensure reliable measurements for quality control and product development.

Convenience: Smartphone connectivity allows easy monitoring and control.

Durability: Robust construction ensures long-lasting performance.

Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of materials, making it versatile for various testing needs.


The HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester by ChiuVention brings precision, efficiency, and convenience to fabric strength testing. Its advanced features and smart design make it an essential tool for quality assurance and research in the textile industry. Investing in the HydroBurst Tester means adopting cutting-edge technology for superior fabric strength testing, ensuring high-quality and reliable products.

Customer Feedback

Users worldwide praise the HydroBurst Tester. Bernard, from a textile research institute in France, commends its stable performance and reasonable price. Amalia, from an Indonesian textile company, appreciates the local after-sales service and the tester’s cost-effectiveness.

HydroBurst Bursting Strength Tester: Revolutionizing Fabric Strength Testing
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